Choosing the Right Beverages for Your Event

When planning for an event or a meeting, there are various things on your list that you need to decide and one of them is the beverage. Food and beverage are part of the occasion where people get to enjoy companionship and appreciate the hospitality of the host or the company. After all, it’s essential that you, as a host, leave a good impression on the overall experience of the guests.

There are many options out there and it’s important that you have an expert in culinary services to help you with your decision. We have made a list below of how to choose the right beverages for your event.

Cater to the type of event you are hosting

There are different types of events and each has its own style and goals. Are you hosting a networking night? A charity event to raise money? An employee recognition award? An educational workshop? Whichever event it is, you want to classify how casual or formal the event is to ensure that the beverages are also aligned. Firstly, there are non-alcoholic beverages and alcoholic beverages. Only particular events cater to alcoholic beverages, an example of those are formal events like awarding and networking.

Consider the guests

Serving alcohol at an event might be a risky proposition. You need to consider your guest’s age, preferences, and the total number of guests. You may consider having a mobile bar with various cocktails to be served on request so your guests can choose their own drinks. It is also possible to serve wine per table. For non-alcohol drinkers, you should consider having mocktails during the event as well. If your event calls for cocktails – if liquor or the lack thereof will make or break an event – you can pull it off with the right precautions, especially with the help of an expert in food solutions in Manila, Astoria Culinary Expert Services or ACES.

Photo by: Biocare Lifesciences Inc.

Complement the food

While the first thing you should consider is food, beverages are just as important. If you want your guests to have a satisfied palate at your event, it is a must to have beverages that complement your food. Carbonated water like soda water or tonic water are good to act as palate cleansers, while carbonated flavored drinks like soft drinks or beer can help whet the appetite more. Meanwhile, cocktails with high alcohol content may dull your taste buds because of the intense flavors, and wine should be sweeter or more acidic than your dish.

The number of beverage types has been increasing over time with more variety of flavors and tastes, so having ACES’ expertise in culinary services would cut the time and effort of thinking about the right beverage for your event. You can choose the beverage to make the most significant profit margin for your business. Grab the opportunity to talk to our team about your next event’s needs!