Healthy Food? Why We Need it, and How to Have it at Work

Food is a part of our daily lives. It is important for us to consume our meals so we can go on with our day. It is also crucial to take note of the kind of food we eat. Some do not provide the right amount of energy and nutrients to help keep the body in tip-top shape to work for a long period of time.

Especially in workplaces, employees are given the freedom to pick and choose what to eat during the break when the employees go out of the office. However, that kind of practice is not very effective, since the lack of guidance in picking the right food to eat may lead to low productivity. Hence, the information provided below will discuss the benefits of eating healthy as well as food solutions so the workflow can run smoothly.

Fewer sick leaves

Most unhealthy food items contain grease, sugars and preservatives, and if consumed on a daily basis, may lead to stomach problems. This may cause a huge distraction to the employee trying to work or worse, force the employee to take the day off to deal with the issue.

When practicing a healthy diet, most people experience an improvement in their body functions and physical capabilities. Eating nutritious food can help increase the body’s immune system, which can prevent coughs, colds, or any other minor illnesses from happening.

Good productivity in the long run

Relying on coffee or energy drinks may seem like a good solution for your first few days, but it will not last for very long. Taking these refreshments may give you a boost of energy at the beginning but at the end, your body will crash hard with fatigue.

Instead, help develop your body slowly by eating healthy. The right type of food can give you enough energy to work throughout the day without feeling exhausted once your shift ends. The additional benefit is that healthy diets can increase brain power, which is definitely needed to get the job done.

Raises employee morale

If your company ever decides to pay for culinary services such as Astoria Culinary Expert Services (ACES), then the workplace will have its very own cafeteria as one of the catering services provided. Having a place to not only eat, but to also relax and interact with fellow employees, brings an advantage. Creating connections, breaking the ice, and forming relationships will make the individual feel a deep sense of bond with colleagues.

One of the services ACES offers is a monthly rotation, where we serve your employees’ favorite food to dine on. You may also choose to try out the consumer’s favorite Astoria dishes from Astoria Gourmet Takeaways or Minami Saki for employees who are Japanese food lovers.

With your company guiding your employees to live a healthier lifestyle, you can build trust with your workforce. With you looking after your team, the same favor will be returned with a more productive and happy environment. Stress, anxiety, sick days, and hospital bills will no longer be frequent issues.

Astoria Culinary Expert Services is one of the few culinary services in the Philippines who can provide you and your employees with a healthy and nutritional diet in an effective manner to keep the work production running. For more information: contact the ACES team at +639088761201 or send an email via

Start that healthy lifestyle today!